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SCC needs your expertise and support to grow our Society.

The Society of Canadian Colposcopists (SCC) is seeking nominations from members of the Canadian colposcopy community to serve on the Education or Communications and Advocacy Committees as a Committee Member. SCC strives for committee membership that reflects a diversity of geographical regions, experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives. Trainees, including residents and fellows, are welcomed.

As a committee member in a national organization, you will have opportunities to participate in initiatives that will help make SCC a valuable resource and networking hub for members and healthcare professionals within the broader colposcopy community across the country!

Eligibility Criteria

In accordance with SCC’s Bylaws and the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, all candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold an active SCC membership for the duration of their term;
  • Be individuals over the age of 18 years who have not been declared incapable by a court and who do not have the status of bankrupt; and
  • Attend three (3) to four (4) virtual committee meetings per year and special meetings as required.

Please consult 20240131_SCC_CallforNominationsCommittees.pdf for more information. Fill out the nomination form here to be considered. 

Thank you for your interest. Please contact if you have any questions.

We'd love to hear from you - Get in touch with us!

Cidalia Sluce, National Manager

Address: M0105-1830 Walkley Rd., Ottawa, ON, K1H 8K3

Phone: Main Office: (833) 842-6576 


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